Connecticut Audbon Society

Calliope Hummingbird

Yes, another western rarity has made its way to Connecticut! A Calliope Hummingbird, the third state record, has been coming to a feeder at 120 Indian Cove Road in Guilford for about a couple of weeks. Director of the CAS Coastal Center at Milford Point, Frank Gallo, was able to visit the home of Hank Kranichfeld on Friday and take the following photos.

Frank notes that the photos show the short straight bill, pale buffy flanks, short, square-tipped tail with dark subterminal band and no red, and the overall tiny size of the bird. Mr. Kranichfeld has graciously agreed to allow birders to visit, as long as they come at a reasonable hour (after 9 a.m.), and do not disturb the bird or inhibit its access to the feeder.

Frank tells us that the house is black and on the left. The feeder is behind the house. The bird roosts in a cedar at the back edge of the property, which can be seen from the road to the right of the house. To best view the feeder and cedar walk around the left side of the house to the back. If you stand a few feet back from the regular bird feeders, you can see the cedar and hummingbird feeder well without disturbing the bird. Parking is very limited in this congested neighborhood. Only 1-2 cars can park in his driveway, and there does not seem to be much, if any, street parking. Please carpool! Additionally, please do not block the road nor inhibit neighbors access or permission could be rescinded.

We give our thanks to Mr. Kranichfeld for allowing everyone to enjoy this gem. Good luck if you see it, and please try to respect the guidelines mentioned above. I hope it sticks around!

Photos © Frank Gallo






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