Swallows, Swifts and Other Aerial Insectivores Are Declining: Connecticut State of the Birds 2013 Looks at Why

All 17 species of aerial insectivores that nest in Connecticut are declining in population, including Great-Crested Flycatchers, like this one. Photo by Sandee Harraden.
Our Connecticut State of the Birds 2013 report, “The Seventh Habitat and the Decline of Our Aerial Insectivores,” delves into the mysterious population decline of 17 species of birds that nest in Connecticut and rely on a diet of insects caught on the wing.
Released Friday, the report identifies pesticides as a possible cause of the decline: pesticides kill the bugs that aerial insectivores eat, and so it’s likely that a reduction in the use of these poisons will help the aerial insectivores.
We’ll be in Hartford on Monday testifying before the General Assembly’s Environment Committee in support of two bills that would lead to pesticide reductions in Connecticut.
You can read the news release about Connecticut State of the Birds 2013 on our website, here.
You’ll also find a link to the report itself and to excerpts from each of the articles (along with a list of authors).
The news release also includes a link to a video of the news conference, and we’ve provided links to news coverage of the event.
–– Tom Andersen, director of communications and community outreach