A Climate Change Rally With a Few Frustrated Climate Deniers in the Gallery

The view from the gallery at the climate change press conference in Hartford. Photo copyright Connecticut Audubon Society.
We were happy to be among the 100-plus people at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford this afternoon for a press conference/rally held by Senators Blumenthal and Murphy in support of President Obama’s climate change initiative (despite the irony of driving 150 miles in a gas-powered vehicle to get there and back).
The event was in one of the LOB’s committee rooms, with a circular desk in the middle, a half-dozen video cameras on tripods in the middle of the circle, fully-occupied gallery seats to the sides and, squeezed into a narrow area at the front of the room, Blumenthal, Murphy and about a dozen guests notable for including experts in health, labor and national security but not the environment.
Which was obviously the message: climate change has moved beyond being an issue only for environmentalists or conservationists.