Connecticut Audbon Society

Gathering of Feathered Friends a successful evening for all!

The Connecticut Audubon Society President Alexander Brash with incoming Chairman Peter Kunkel

The Connecticut Audubon Society President Alexander Brash with incoming Chairman Peter Kunkel

Peg North, Miley Bull and Landon Storrs

Peg North, Miley Bull and Landon Storrs

Event Co-chairs Eileen Riccardi and Judy Richardson with artist Kelly Radding.

Event Co-chairs Eileen Riccardi and Judy Richardson with artist Kelly Radding.

Friends and supporters of The Connecticut Audubon Society flocked to Birdcraft  for the “Gathering of Feathered Friends” on Friday, October 2. The evening featured music by members of the Bridgeport Symphony, and artwork for sale including paintings by Kelly Radding, and carved feathers by Bill Rice. This end-of-season event raised critical funds to support Connecticut Audubon’s ongoing education and conservation work in the Fairfield area.






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