Connecticut Audbon Society

The BigSit 2015

The Connecticut Audubon Society’s October Fundraiser at the Coastal Center at Milford Point brought in over $2,200! The Big Sit volunteer birding team observed 84 total species this year. Some of the highlights were a Lapland Longspur, Harlequin Duck and Common Gallinule.

The Big Sit is an annual, international, noncompetitive birding event led by Bird Watcher’s Digest and founded by the New Haven Bird Club. Every year, bird watchers from around the globe unite on this special day by participating in this free event, open to any person and club in any country!

On Sunday October 11, 2015 Frank Mantlik, Tina Green, Jim Dugan, Patrick Dugan and Mike Moccio represented the Coastal Center team known as the Surf Scopers. Frank Gallo, the team leader, was not able to attend this year, but was cheering from behind the scenes.  The spotting scopes, binoculars, cameras and lots of coffee were all set up at Milford Point well before day break.

Tina Green’s notes from the field: “The weather was sunny, breezy with NW winds shifting to WSW. The temperatures ranged from 48-64 degrees F. The day began with one of the most beautiful moon rises I’ve ever seen. What we lacked in species quantity, we made up for in species quality.  Thanks to everyone who stopped by to help and lend their support. Special thanks to Tom Murray and Dave Alpeter for bringing coffee and to Maggie and Jack Perretto for bringing pizza near the end of the day.”

coopers hawk Jim Dugan

Cooper’s Hawk photo by Jim Dugan

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