Connecticut Audbon Society

Basic Hawk Identification

Saturday, September 17
 2:15 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Learn the basics of hawk identification in the field, at the peak of hawk migration, with expert birder Frank Gallo. We’ll spend three hours at Stratford’s Boothe Park’s hawk station sorting through the different groups of hawks, from accipiters to eagles. Frank will address the finer points of distinguishing similar species such as, sharp-shinned from Cooper’s Hawks, Kestrel’s from Merlin’s, and Red-shouldered from Red-tailed Hawks. Please meet at the Boothe Park parking lot, 5800 Main St, Stratford. To register, call Louise Crocco at 203-878-7440 x 502


Fee: $25 (CAS members $20)






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