Connecticut Audbon Society

Backyard Birding – Free

Saturday, February 11
10 – 11 a.m.
For adults and children ages 12 and up

Wish you could identify that colorful feathered visitor in your yard?  Milan Bull, The Connecticut Audubon Society’s senior director of science and conservation, will lead this free Backyard Birding program.

Birding is a great family activity which can start at home and lead to a life-long appreciation and interest that spans the world.  The program will cover how to identify Connecticut’s winter birds by sight and sound, bird feeding habits, attracting wild birds to your feeder, tips on what seed to use and conservation measures.  Following the talk there will be a short guided walk in the sanctuary.

Pre-registration required.  Call 203-259-6305 ext. 109 to register.  Program is held at Center at Fairfield, 2325 Burr Street.






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