The Shorebirds of Connecticut, a Zoom presentation with Manomet’s Brad Winn, Thursday, August 20

Brad Winn.
August 12, 2020 — One of the year’s great wildlife spectacles takes place each summer on New England’s beaches — tens of thousands of shorebirds stop to feed and rest during their southward migration in a rarely-matched display of diversity and abundance.
If you’ve ever been awestruck by them, if you’ve ever been elated by silvery clouds of sandpipers flying in unison, this is the presentation for you:
Thursday, August 20, at 7 p.m., Brad Winn, director of shorebird habitat management at the Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences in Massachusetts, will discuss New England’s sandpipers and plovers, their conservation status, and efforts to protect them — including how you can help.
Winn specializes in Western Hemisphere shorebird population recovery, and has taught numerous shorebird ecology and management workshops. He has coordinated the International Shorebird Survey, and his field studies include the Arctic Shorebird Demographics Network, Red Knot population estimates, and Whimbrel migration ecology.
The program, via Zoom, is presented by Connecticut Audubon in conjunction with the Audubon Alliance for Coastal Waterbirds, a partnership to protect Connecticut’s shorebirds. Support comes from the Long Island Sound Futures Fund.
The program will last about an hour, including Q&A. It is free but we ask that you consider a $10 donation.
Thursday, August 20, 7 p.m. Register below!