Generous Donors, Dedicated Birders Help Reach Big Sit Goal
Thanks to your generous donations, we surpassed our goal of $5,000 and had a successful day of identifying birds!
Your support made a difference and we could not have done it without you.

During The Big Sit. Milford Point, Milford, CT. 11 Oct 2020. © Frank Mantlik
by Frank Mantlik
October 15, 2020 — Sunday, October 11, was a great weather day, with warm temperatures in the mid 60’s and favorable skies and winds. The core team consisted of Frank Gallo, Jim and Patrick Dugan, Tina Green, and myself. We began at 4:19 a.m. and ended at 7:15 p.m., about 15 hours of straight birding.
Our tally was 108 bird species identified including a Jaeger species, a tie for our third highest count.
Several visitors/birders came by throughout the day to cheer us on, bird, or bring provisions. Thank you all!
The predawn birding was superb, listening for nocturnal migrants, night birds, and ducks and other water-birds in the marsh. The calm night air allowed us to hear calling migrant Swainson’s, Gray-cheeked, and Hermit Thrushes, as well as a hooting Great Horned Owl, Clapper Rails and many duck and heron species.
Highlights included 12 species of ducks (including seven Northern Shovelers and all three scoter species), Wild Turkeys, 12 species of shorebirds (including American Golden Plover and Pectoral Sandpiper), a jaeger species (rare in Connecticut) far out over the Sound, a record number of Common and Red-throated Loons, Great Cormorant, American Bittern, six Bald Eagles, a Great Horned Owl, 2 Purple Finches, flocks of Pine Siskins, seven species of sparrows, Baltimore Oriole, five species of warbler, and a Rusty Blackbird.
An exciting highlight was watching a Peregrine Falcon chasing a migrant Red Bat at dawn, right near our Sit platform!
Our complete list, with photos, is here:
This is a wonderful way to kick off our 25th Anniversary.
Thank you for your generosity and support!

During The Big Sit. Milford Point, Milford, CT. 11 Oct 2020. © Frank Mantlik

The Big Sit during the Coronavirus pandemic. Milford Point, Milford, CT. 11 Oct 2020. © Frank Mantlik

During The Big Sit. Milford Point, Milford, CT. 11 Oct 2020. © Frank Mantlik