Daily Bird: Northern Shoveler
Northern Shoveler Hen & Drake from Gilles Carter on Vimeo.

Drake Northern Shoveler. Photo by Patrick Comins.
Northern Shoveler
Edited and revised from a version published in 2017.
Senior Director of Science and Conservation
One of the most distinctive of our dabbling ducks, small numbers of Northern Shovelers are most frequently seen in our area in late winter and early spring, but several have been around recently, including at 14-acre Pond in Norwalk, Jones Pond in Litchfield and the Milford Point Coastal Center. Gilles Carter took the video above taken at Wooster Park I Strtatford last winter.
Among North America’s duck species, Northern Shovelers trail only Mallards and Blue-winged Teal in overall abundance.
Their populations have been healthy since the 1960s, most likely because of favorable breeding, migration, and wintering habitat conditions. Breeding mostly in the west, from Alaska down through the prairies, and wintering along the southern coast from California through Texas and Mexico, only small numbers winter up the east coast from Florida through Long Island.

A young drake Northern Shoveler, photographed on the duckweed-covered pond at Birdcraft by Patrick Comins.