Scott Weidensaul lecture in partnership with Ridgefield Library and Ridgefield Garden Club, March 23

Scott Weidensaul’s talk is co-sponsored by the Connecticut Audubon Society. Photo by Amiran White.
March 12, 2021 – Join us for a special presentation by author Scott Weidensaul, author of numerous books, including Living on the Wind: Across the Hemisphere with Migratory Birds, which was nominated for a Pultizer Prize.
This online presentation is set for 1 p.m. on Tuesday, March 23.
The lecture is in partnership with the Ridgefield Library, and the Ridgefield Garden Club.
It’s free but registration is required.
Click here to register through the Ridgefield Library website.
The talk was originally scheduled for March 2020 but was postponed because of the pendemic.
Weidensaul is a nationally recognized & renowned ornithologist, and author and naturalist.
His 2018 Connecticut State of the Birds article, titled “New Technology Shows that Birds Are Closer to Us than We Probably Thought,” discusses the Motus tracking technology that Connecticut Audubon is employing at Deer Pond Farm in Sherman and the Shepaug Dam in Southbury.
He leads a number of ongoing research projects focusing on owls, hummingbirds and passerines (songbirds & perching birds) & lectures widely. Weidensaul combines his rigorous research with his talents as an evocative and engaging writer and speaker to bring to life the journeys of birds in a compelling way.
For more information about please visit
This meeting is made possible by a gift from the Stoddard Family. In addition to the Ridgefield Garden Club and Connecticut Audubon, the Ridgefield Library and Bird & Beans Coffee are co-sponsors.