Testimony in strong support of SB 1037, An Act Concerning Solid Waste Management.

Connecticut Audubon’s Kat Gillis, left, and Stefan Martin worked to free a young oystercatcher caught in plastic netting at Milford Point in 2020. Photo by Patrick Comins.
Testimony of the Connecticut Audubon Society to the Environment Committee of the Connecticut General Assembly in strong support of SB 1037, An Act Concerning Solid Waste Management.
March 17, 2021
The Connecticut Audubon Society thanks the Committee and the sponsors of SB 1037, An Act Concerning Solid Waste Management for proposing this important resolution and for the opportunity to express our strong support this important measure.
This proposal will add items covered by the provisions of the state’s bottle bill program, increase redemption values and handling fees, develop incentives for unit-based pricing programs in municipalities and require certain dealers to have reverse vending machines at their stores.
Plastic waste is an important global problem and we see the effects of it here on the shores of Long Island Sound. It is a constant battle to keep up with plastic waste that washes in with every tide at our Milford Point Costal Center in Milford, one of the most pristine and undeveloped areas of Connecticut’s coast.
We support any attempts to expand the bottle bill in scope or effectiveness in an attempt to reduce environmental plastic waste and to encourage the proper recycling of plastic and other materials.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide input on this important matter.
Patrick M. Comins, Executive Director