Learn your spring migratory birds during this April 21 Earth Week walk in Groton

Northern Waterthrush, by Cephas/Carolinabirds.org
April 10, 2021 — Spring is a great time to go birding in Connecticut. Dozens of species move into and through the state from wintering grounds further south.
The diversity can be overwhelming, especially when identifying warblers high in the canopy or picking out songs in the dawn chorus. But we’re here to help.
Join us for an Earth Week Spring Migration Bird Walk, lead by Connecticut Audubon’s Joe Attwater, at the Avery Farm Nature Preserve in Groton.
Wednesday, April 21, 9 to 11 a.m.
$10 for members; $15 for members.
This walk is part of a week-long series of programs to celebrate Earth Week. Space is limited to 12 participants.
Masks are required and social distancing guidelines will be followed.
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