Pamela Fraser nominated as next chair of Connecticut Audubon’s Board of Directors

Pamela Fraser, right, has been nominated to succeed Kathleen Van Der Aue as chair of Connecticut Audubon’s Board of Directors. Pam and Kathy discussed the transition recently at Birdcraft Sanctuary in Fairfield. Photo copyright Tomas Koeck.
October 11, 2022 — The weather forecast is looking great for Connecticut Audubon’s Annual Meeting , which is set for Saturday, October 15, 10 a.m., under a tent in the big field at Deer Pond Farm in Sherman.
Members will vote on nominees for the Board of Directors, and on a slate of officers, including a new chair.
The Board has nominated Pamela Fraser, Ph.D., of Easton to become chair. Pam will take over for Kathleen Van Der Aue, who has guided the organization for four years, helped ably by Pam as vice chair.
The slate of officers also includes Sarah Middeleer, of Newtown, vice chair; Gilles Carter, of New Haven, secretary; and Harshad Kuntey, of Glastonbury, treasurer. Kathy Van Der Aue will become chair emeritus.
Nominated to the Board are Robert Lamothe of Hamden; Andrew Holmes, of Brooklyn, N.Y.; Elizabeth Ramsey, of New York and Fairfield; and Kevin B. Ramsey, of New York and Fairfield.
The 850-acre Deer Pond Farm is at 57 Wakeman Hill Road, Sherman.
After the meeting, watch an amazing birds of prey demonstration by Skyhunters in Flight.
Saturday also marks the official opening of the renovated Deer Pond Farm building. Tours will be conducted after the meeting.
A casual box lunch will be served. RSVP by Wednesday, October 12.
The meeting is free and open to all.
Please click HERE to RSVP.