Connecticut Audbon Society

Migration Magic Big Day 2024

Matt Bell

Deb Eccleston, Connecticut Audubon's membership manager.

Deb Eccleston

Four of Connecticut Audubon’s most energetic birders have thrown down a challenge. 
They’re banding together for a Migration Magic “Big Day” on Monday, May 13. Their goal is to see at least 150 species in 16 consecutive hours of birding. 
Their challenge is for you and all of us to support them by making a per-bird pledge! 
Like the rest of the funds raised by the Birdathon, it’s for a cause that bird lovers can all agree on: protecting Connecticut’s birds.  
The funds you contribute to the Big Day challenge will go directly toward protecting and improving the habitats that Connecticut’s birds need to thrive.  

Stefan Martin

Joe Attwater, of CT Audubon's Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center.

Joe Attwater

On Monday, Joe Attwater, Matt Bell, Deb Eccleston, and Stefan Martin will start at 4 a.m. just east of the Connecticut River and, as the whip-poor-wills are calling, begin a day of birding that will end only after sunset.  
Their route will highlight the variety and diversity of the state’s birds and its habitats, to emphasize why those kinds of habitats need protection and restoration. 
Their itinerary will take them to Pomfret, Hampton, New London, Old Lyme, Madison, Milford, and parts of Fairfield County.

They’ll visit state parks such as Hammonasset and Harkness. They’ll spend time at Connecticut Audubon sanctuaries: Bafflin at the Center at Pomfret, and Trail Wood in Hampton; the Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center in Old Lyme and the Milford Point Coastal Center in Milford. 

They’ll be traveling in the brown Connecticut Audubon EcoTravel Van, so if you’re out birding and you see them, make sure you say hello.

You can also follow their progress through the Instagram stories they’ll post throughout their journey — @ctaudubon. Keep up with their checklists on the eBird Migration Magic Big Day 2024 trip. 
If you haven’t yet made a Migration Magic contribution, the Birdathon Big Day is an exciting place to start. 

Support the Migration Magic Big Day team by making a contribution here! Thank you!


Migration Magic Sponsors


Mark Naso, CFP ®


Gawel Excavating











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