Connecticut Audbon Society

Support the Big Sit!

The Big Sit! A great chance to support bird conservation

Help the Coastal Center’s Birds by Supporting the Big Sit Bird Challenge!

On October 8, 2023, the Connecticut Audubon Society’s B.W. Surf Scopers birding team (Frank Gallo, (Captain), Jim and Patrick Dugan, Frank Mantlik, Tina Green, Tom Murray and George Amato) is working to support the Coastal Center at Milford Point. Our goal is to raise more than $7,000 (what we raised the last two years) by spotting as many different species of birds as possible from within a 17-foot diameter circle as a part of The Big Sit! They’ll start before dawn and end after dark. They pledge to SIT! (with conviction!) to raise funds to support the Coastal Center. Please help them by pledging your support. Your tax-deductible contribution allows them to achieve their ambitious goal of raising $7,000 by seeing (or hearing) 100+ species from one place in one day at one site near the Milford Coastal Center.

Every dollar you pledge will help us sustain our important, far-reaching, education and conservation efforts.







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