Connecticut Audbon Society
Migration Magic

Migration Magic 2024

Migration Magic 2024

To the hundreds of people across Connecticut who contributed and participated in Migration Magic 2024, a sincere thank you! You raised and donated $32,000 to bird conservation in Connecticut!

Migration Magic will return in May 2025.

50-plus programs and a Birdathon. For all ages and all skill levels, throughout Connecticut!

Birds Are Counting on You!

See all the Birdathon winners and participants on this page.

View the Photo Contest winners here!

A gallery of great shots from the Birdathon Photo Contest

Connecticut Audubon‘s Migration Magic is a month-long festival celebrating the wonder of bird migration in Connecticut with a variety of engaging activities for all ages and experience levels.

Migration Magic Sponsors


Mark Naso, CFP ®


Gawel Excavating






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