Connecticut Audbon Society

Celebrate the Magic of Bird Migration with Connecticut Audubon’s Migration Magic bird festival

Connecticut Audubon invites you to Migration Magic, a month-long celebration of the beauty and importance of birds as they arrive back in Connecticut.

When: May 1-31, 2024.

What: 50-plus walks and programs plus a fundraising Birdathon for all skill levels.

Where: 28 preserves and centers in 20 Connecticut communities.

Why: To share the joy of birds with as many people as possible, and to raise funds for the ongoing work of bird conservation in Connecticut. 

Migration Magic 2024 includes:

  • More than three dozen bird walks led by experienced birders, designed to bring you closer to Connecticut’s birds. We’ve scheduled them for 28 preserves and parks in 20 communities around the state. Add to that an array of webinars, presentations, talks and even a concert.

    In all, 50-plus walks and other programs.

  • A Birdathon for people of all ages and all skill levels. Participate in this friendly competition at any time during May 2024. The goal is to spot as many bird species as you can. The Birdathon is a fundraiser for bird conservation in the state. Great fun and great prizes for a great cause!

    You can find out more about the Birdathon here.

    Contribute to bird conservation by making a donation to the Migration Magic Birdathon. Click here!

  • A Photo Contest for adults and young birders. Capture the beauty of birds in their natural habitats, with categories for adults and children.
  • The Photo Contest rules are here.

Photo by Bob MacDonnell.

Your participation helps support the Connecticut Audubon Society’s vital conservation work, helping to ensure a healthy future for birds throughout the state and beyond.

Visit the Migration Magic webpages to explore the complete Migration Magic schedule, register for bird walks and the Birdathon, and learn more about the Photo Contest.

Birds are counting on you! We can’t wait to celebrate the magic of bird migration with you this May!


Migration Magic Sponsors


Gawel Excavating









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