School Vacation Fun!
Center at Fairfield, 2325 Burr Street
December 27, 28, 29
10 to 2
Ages 4 – 8
School is out but the Center at Fairfield is in session for vacation fun. Both outdoors and indoors, a variety of nature-based offerings are planned for each day. Weather permitting, we’ll head outside to explore and observe nature on the trails. After all the fresh air, we’ll come inside to meet animal friends, make crafts, play games and then settle in for a movie on the big screen. Snack will be provided; please send a nut-free lunch. Members $45/child per day, non-members $50/child per day. Pre-registration required. To register call 203-259-6305 ext. 109 or register on-line by clicking here. The program is held at the Center at Fairfield, 2325 Burr Street.