Connecticut Audbon Society

Looking for a Christmas tree?

If you’re looking for a Christmas tree why not combine that trip with some birding while helping out the Connecticut Audubon Society? Our H. Smith Richardson Wildlife Preserve and Christmas Tree Farm allows you to do just that. The information that follows is from the sanctuaries page of our website. You can see the days and hours of operation for the Christmas Tree Farm in the photo below.

H. Smith Richardson Wildlife Preserve and Christmas Tree Farm, 74 acres, Sasco Creek Road, Westport

Three distinct parcels make up this preserve: a 24-acre Christmas Tree plantation, a 14-acre field habitat and a 36-acre evergreen plantation that has remained virtually undisturbed for the last 30 years. For a self-guided visit to each parcel, an interpretative brochure is available at the entrance.

FROM I-95 Eastbound: Take Exit 19 – Southport. Go left off exit and proceed to traffic light at Rt. 1. Turn left onto Rt. 1 (Post Rd.) and go to second traffic light. Take a left and follow from * below.
FROM I-95 Westbound: Take Exit 19 – Southport. Stay straight off exit to traffic light at Route 1 – Post Road intersection. Take a right onto Rt. 1 and at third traffic light, take a left. Follow directions from * below.
* At fork, take right and proceed straight on Green Farms Rd. Take a left onto Sasco Creek Rd. Preserve and Tree Farm are 0.1 mile on left.

Maybe you will run into me as I survey the property. Perhaps one of the trees you buy will be from this June photo!

It really is a beautiful sanctuary, and it is a good spot for some late fall rarities…

Photos © Scott Kruitbosch






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