Connecticut Audbon Society
Center at Fairfield


Programs & Events at Birdcraft

How Do Birds Learn to Sing?

Marsh Wren at Hammonasset Beach-Rhododendrites-CC-4.0.jpg

Conservation Conversations at Birdcraft
Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 12:30 p.m.
Presenter: David Lahti, director of the Behavior & Evolution Laboratory at Queens College, City University of New York.

Learn how a young bird’s genes, as well as the songs of older birds, shape how young birds learn to sing.
Registration required. A sandwich and soft drink are included with your registration.

Members $13; Non-members $15. Please register here.
This program is held at the Birdcraft Museum and Sanctuary, 314 Unquowa Road, Fairfield, CT.


The Sweet History of Honey, Workshop with Honey Tasting

Photo: Humble Bee Co.

Saturday, April 12, 2025
11 a.m.
Presenter: Catherine Wolko, owner of The Humble Bee Honey Company

In this workshop, learn the history of honey harvest, the history of purposeful beekeeping, the hives of past and present, the composition of honey and why honey crystalizes. Discover what makes honey so dark or so light? How many varietals of honey are there? Why does honey crystalize? Why doesn’t honey need to be pasteurized? Learn the answers to these questions and much more during this engaging talk and taste five varietals of honey from The Humble Bee Honey Company!

Registration required. Members $13; Non-members $15. Please register here.
This program is held at the Birdcraft Museum and Sanctuary, 314 Unquowa Road, Fairfield, CT.


Healthy Rivers, Healthy Habitats and You

Downriver from Gillette Castle_Joe Mabel_CC3.0

Conservation Conversations at Birdcraft
Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 12:30 p.m.
Presenter: Rhea Drozdenko, River Steward at the Connecticut River Conservancy

In this talk, Rhea Drozdenko will discuss strategies that advocates are using to restore and protect the river and explore ways you can make a difference– whether that’s inspiring the next generation, speaking up on a bill, or planting a riparian buffer. Registration required. A sandwich and soft drink are included with your registration.

Members $13; Non-members $15. Please register here.
This program is held at the Birdcraft Museum and Sanctuary, 314 Unquowa Road, Fairfield, CT.


The Migratory Butterflies of Connecticut

Butterfly by Dr. Thomas Barnes, USFWS

Conservation Conversations at Birdcraft
Tuesday, April 29, 2025, 12:30 p.m.
Presenter: Michele Sorensen, Owner, Native Landscapes CT.

Learn how to identify Connecticut’s many migratory butterflies (not just Monarchs!) and where to find them. Find out what native pollinators you can plant in your own garden or pollinator pot to attract migratory butterflies. Registration required. A sandwich and soft drink are included with your registration.

Members $13; Non-members $15. Please register here.
This program is held at the Birdcraft Museum and Sanctuary, 314 Unquowa Road, Fairfield, CT.


Bird Banding Demonstration at Birdcraft

Saturday, May 10, 2025 (rain date May 17)
8 to 10 a.m.
Free program
Judy Richardson and her team offer a fascinating, up-close view of how bird banding works. Watch as birds are gently captured in the Birdcraft Sanctuary, their measurements are recorded, and they are fitted with an identification band before being released back into the wild, unharmed. Participants may get to release a bird too! CT Audubon has operated a bird banding station at the Birdcraft Sanctuary since the 1970’s. Volunteers, licensed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, have captured and documented more than 18,000 birds there. 

This is a free event; please let us know if you know you’re coming by registering here.
If you would like to make a donation to help support more environmental education programs in the Fairfield Region like this one, please click here.

This program takes place at Connecticut Audubon’s Birdcraft Museum and Sanctuary, 314 Unquowa Rd., Fairfield, CT.


Spring Bird Walk at Birdcraft

Photo: Blackburnian Warbler by Patrick Comins

Thursday, May 15, 2025
8 to 10 a.m.
Join Conservation Manager Stefan Martin at this historic property to look for returning migrant songbirds. What the Birdcraft Sanctuary lacks in size, it makes up for in diversity with over 30 species of warblers and nearly 180 species of birds seen at this urban oasis. One of the area’s best locations to photograph warblers in the spring. All levels of birders welcome; appropriate for ages 12 and up. Registration required. Binoculars recommended. 

CAS Members $15; Non-members $20. Please register here
This walk is at Connecticut Audubon’s Birdcraft Museum and Sanctuary, 314 Unquowa Rd., Fairfield, CT.






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