Calendar of Events

A Book of Days: Nature Lovers, Their Journals, and Phenology

November 2, 2024

Join Katherine Hauswirth, a naturalist and writer, as she discusses nature journaling to increase awareness and preserve experiences. She will also cover some history of this practice, especially in Connecticut and New England, and how it ties in with citizen science and phenology – the recording of observations across the seasons. The Morning Light, the Lily White:  Daily Dips into Nature and Spirit is Katherine’s most recent book. It contains short essays about “goings-on” in the natural world. A former artist-in-residence at Edwin Way Teale’s Trail Wood in Hampton, Katherine has made daily observations across the calendar year, as Edwin did in his book, A Walk Through the Year. You’ll want Katherine’s book in hand to start 2025. Registration appreciated, but not required. Free admission.

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Coastal Center
RTP Estuary Center
Deer Pond Farm
Trail Wood




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