Birdcraft Building Hours Monday – Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Birdcraft Museum Hours Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday; 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Birdcraft Sanctuary Sanctuary trails are open daily, year-round, dawn to dusk
Birdcraft Building Hours Monday – Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Birdcraft Museum Hours Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday; 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Birdcraft Sanctuary Sanctuary trails are open daily, year-round, dawn to dusk
November 18, 2024—Ospreys in Connecticut flourished in 2024. The successful nesting season shows that the local revival of these previously imperiled hawks continues, although with concerns about a more difficult season to the south.
Have you found an abandoned bird? Birds and other wildlife that seem to be abandoned or orphaned at this time of year often are not actually abandoned orphaned. The Connecticut DEEP has advice about what to do if you find a bird that you think is abandoned.
Explore our centers and sanctuaries on your mobile device Soar through our centers and sanctuaries with this free app, which highlights unique and interesting features at each stop. Take one of our tours while you’re onsite or plan ahead with detailed directions and maps to your nearest Connecticut Audubon location. Features include: Tours of our […]
The Birdcraft Sanctuary Bird Checklist is a handy pamphlet that you can download, print and bring with you on your next visit to the Sanctuary. It’s a convenient way to keep track of birds you see. The Connecticut Audubon Society extends its sincere thanks and appreciation to Aidan Kiley for his outstanding work in researching […]
A friendly reminder to visitors to Birdcraft Sanctuary: please do not touch the bird banding nets, and if you come upon a bird in one of the nets, please leave it alone. On several occasions in recent weeks, visitors have released birds from the nets. Only the federally-licensed bird banders at Birdcraft are legally permitted […]
The Birdcraft Sanctuary is open seven days a week from dawn to dusk. The building, including restrooms, is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.