Connecticut Audbon Society

Blog – 2018


Daily Bird: Wood Warblers — Black-throated Green Warbler

Thursday, June 3rd, 2021

June 3, 2021 — One of the perils of birding is the affliction known as “warbler neck.” And Black-throated Green Warblers (Setophaga virens) are adept at causing it. From high in the pines or hemlocks of our Connecticut woodlands, the distinctive, buzzy “zee, zee, zee zoozee” (or “See, See, See Suzie”) song of the Black-throated Green advertises its presence and invites prolonged studies through binoculars until 1) the bird is spotted or 2) your neck gives out.

Daily Bird: Black-bellied Whistling Duck, a rarity

Tuesday, June 1st, 2021

June 1, 2021 — The first state record of Black-bellied Whistling Duck was in mid August, 2018, when one showed up in Essex. Now six have been found in Watertown —  the second state record. Back in August 2018, Andy Griswold, Connecticut Audubon’s EcoTravel director, wrote about the species for our old Bird Finder feature. We’ve revised it for today’s Daily Bird.

A tough weekend for birds on the Milford Point sandbar means protection work must increase

Thursday, June 10th, 2021

In the Sanctuaries
June 10, 2021 — A succession of high tides during the full-moon period combined with a days-long storms washed away more than a dozen coastal waterbird nests at Milford Point over Memorial Day weekend. There’s still time for some of the birds to try a second nest — with your help the nesting season won’t be a total loss.

2021 Birdathon Photo Contest Winners

Wednesday, May 26th, 2021

May 26 — Congratulations to the winners of the 2021 Migration Madness Birdathon Photo Contest. They emerged as the top shots our of almost 100 photos entered, as chosen by this year’s judge, Mary Grace Leone.

Daily Bird: Wood Warblers — Black-throated Blue Warbler

Tuesday, May 25th, 2021

Don’t miss the beautiful videos on this!
May 25, 2021 — The Black-throated Blue Warbler, stunningly unique in its adult male garb, is quite average in other ways. It’s never as rare or hard to find as a Mourning Warbler, and never as abundant at the height of migration as a Yellow-rumped (Myrtle) Warbler, or a Palm Warbler.

The Blue Plan passes and is now Connecticut’s official Long Island Sound planning policy

Monday, May 24th, 2021

May 24, 2021 — Long a priority for Connecticut Audubon’s advocacy work, the Long Island Sound Blue Plan is now the official policy of Connecticut. The state General Assembly voted to adopt the Blue Plan on May 14. The plan is a guide to help decision-makers in their deliberations about which areas of the Sound are most valuable for conservation, the economy, recreation, etc.

Beaver rides the current and lumbers up onto the beach at Milford Point

Monday, May 24th, 2021

May 24, 2021 — The beaver pictured here lumbered up onto the beach at the Milford Point Coastal Center over the weekend, presumably after floating or swimming down the Housatonic River. It undoubtedly wasn’t the first beaver to show up there but it was unusual nonetheless.

2021 Migration Madness Birdathon in Review: Exhaustion, Elation, Satisfaction — All in All, a Great Weekend

Sunday, May 23rd, 2021

May 23, 2021 — Great weather, dozens of enthusiastic participants, and scores of bird species all made for an amazing 2021 Migration Madness Birdathon. Almost 100 people participated and 72 submitted checklists. Well over 200 people participated or made donations. They saw a total of 207 species of birds and raised $18,906 for bird conservation in Connecticut.

Legislative committee unanimously passes Coastal Center lease bill

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

May 19, 2021 — Good news from Hartford: the bill authorizing a new lease for Coastal Center at Milford Point has made it out of committee. Following Friday’s hearing, the Government Administration and Elections Committee voted unanimously today to pass HB 6679, which was introduced by Representative Frank Smith of Milford. Thank you to Rep. Smith, to the committee, and to everyone who spoke or sent a message in favor of the bill!

Daily Bird: Wood Warblers — Blackpoll Warbler

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

May 19, 2021 — Though Blackpoll Warblers are fairly common in Connecticut, we are likely to see them only in spring and fall migrations, when they are among the last warblers to migrate. They don’t breed in the state or most of New England, and nest further north than any other warbler species.

Daily Bird: Wood Warblers — Worm-eating Warbler

Wednesday, May 12th, 2021

May 12, 2021 — During migration Worm-eating Warblers may be seen at any of the typical warbler stopovers, such as Connecticut Audubon’s Birdcraft Sanctuary in Fairfield and East Rock Park in New Haven.

Daily Bird: Wood Warblers — Blackburnian Warbler

Tuesday, May 11th, 2021

May 11, 2021 — One of the most strikingly colored of our wood-warblers, this species’ flaming orange throat was responsible for its colloquial name of “Fire Throat.”

Daily Bird: Wood Warblers — Magnolia Warbler

Monday, May 10th, 2021

May 10, 2021 — The first time I really noticed a warbler was in my backyard in Milford when I was 10 years old with my dad’s binoculars. It was a Magnolia Warbler in a Flowering Dogwood at about eye level. For a 10 year old it seemed impossibly beautiful and I had no trouble looking it up in my field guide.

Daily Bird: Wood Warblers — Hooded Warbler

Friday, May 7th, 2021

May 7, 2021 — Usually first noticed by a ringing “weeta, weeta, weeteeo” song, a Hooded Warbler sighting highlights almost any bird walk in the Connecticut woods. Hooded Warblers reach the northern edge of their breeding range here in Connecticut (although there is a breeding population in southern Ontario), generally arriving during the first week of May and setting up housekeeping almost immediately.

20 Warblers in 60 Seconds

Friday, May 7th, 2021

May 7, 2021 — Got a minute? Connecticut Audubon Board member Gilles Carter put together this fun video: “20 warblers in 60 seconds” to celebrate the upcoming Migration Madness Birdathon.

Daily Bird: Wood Warblers — Black-and-White Warbler

Thursday, May 6th, 2021

May 6, 2021 — Although every warbler species is unique, the Black-and-white Warbler stands out, and for a variety of reasons. Many warblers exhibit bright and flashy colors, but the aptly named Black-and-white Warbler is just that: black and white. Yet it is far from drab: the ornate and contrasting striped pattern conjures the exotic pattern of a zebra.

Purple Martins are back and you can help them directly by adopting a nest gourd

Thursday, May 6th, 2021

In the Sanctuaries …
May 3, 2021 — Purple Martins have been gone from the Coastal Center since early September, probably wintering in the Amazon basin. But they’re back now, and you can help them thrive.

Daily Bird: Wood Warblers — Chestnut-sided Warbler

Wednesday, May 5th, 2021

May 5, 2021 — This time of the year, Chestnut-sided Warblers are migrating through and can be found in numerous habitats. They nest in old field and scrubby habitat throughout Connecticut, a declining habitat type as forests mature and fields get developed and converted to lawns.

Daily Bird: Wood Warblers — Northern Parula

Tuesday, May 4th, 2021

May 4, 2021 — Today marks the start of the Daily Bird’s warbler extravaganza. We have 19 warblers lined up for you, many with first-rate HD video by Connecticut Audubon Board member Gilles Carter. The first is Northern Parula, written by Connecticut Audubon Executive Director Patrick Comins.

The country’s most important bird protection law is safe, thanks to a vast grassroots advocacy effort

Thursday, May 27th, 2021

May 27, 2021 — Thanks to a nationwide grassroots advocacy effort that included members of the Connecticut Audubon Society, the long-standing protections of the country’s most important bird protection law will remain intact. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced recently that it was revoking changes made in 2018 that weakened the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.




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