Coastal Center Programs & Events
Woodcock Walks with the Coastal Center
March 28, 2025: 7:00pm – 8:30pm – SOLD OUT, THANK YOU!
Rain date: April 2, 7:00pm – 8:30pm
Eisenhower Park: 780 North St, Milford, CT – Once you enter the park, drive straight forward to the lower gravel parking lot.

American Woodcock photographed by Phil Brown.
Woodcocks have returned from their overwintering habitat to begin the spring breeding season! Join Ken Elkins to see woodcocks performing their acrobatic courtship rituals. This evening walk will take you to woodcock habitats and teach you about the sights and sounds to look out for when trying to spot this secretive bird. Please bring a head lamp or flashlight in order to walk back after dark.
Members: $20
Non-members: $25
Peeper Prowl
April 5, 2025 and April 11, 2025
7:30pm – 9:00pm
Eisenhower Park: 780 North St, Milford, CT – Once you enter the park, drive straight forward to the lower gravel parking lot.
As evenings start to warm up, frogs will emerge from their winter hideouts and begin to sing! Join Ken Elkins and Coastal Center educators for a nighttime hike at Eisenhower Park, where we will learn how to identify frogs by calls and by appearance. Bring shoes or waders that you don’t mind getting muddy, as well as a flashlight or head lamp to spot these nocturnal amphibians. This hike will begin at sunset and continue into the first hours of darkness, when frogs are most active. This program is appropriate for adults and children ages 6+, and will run rain or shine (frogs are more active in rainy weather).
Members: $20
Non-members: $25
To register for April 5, click here.
To register for April 11, click here.
School Day Off Fun: Spring Has Sprung
April 18, 2025
Milford Point Coastal Center
1 Milford Point Road, Milford CT
For children ages 6-11.

Female Red-winged Blackbird by Brian Bennett.
Enjoy a day off from school filled with hands-on time outdoors, crafts, games, and more! Activities will include exploring the beach and marsh with our Teacher-Naturalists, meeting an animal ambassador, and discovering how the world around us works.
Please bring a peanut-free lunch and snack. Dress appropriately for the weather, and bring a change of clothes and shoes. Shoes are subject to getting wet and muddy, and it tends to be windy at the coast.
Full day (9:00 – 3:00):
CAS Members: $55 per child, non-members: $65 per child
Half day (9:00 – 12:00):
CAS Members: $30 per child, non-members: $35 per child
To register for a full day, click here.
To register for a half day, click here.
This program requires a minimum of 6 participants to run. If the program is cancelled, a refund will be provided.
Birthday Parties at the Coastal Center
Interested in hosting your child’s birthday at the Coastal Center? Milford Point is the perfect place to celebrate your child’s birthday, with a 45 minute nature program included.
Many of our birthday programs also include an animal meet-and-greet.
For details click HERE. To schedule a birthday party, please contact Louise Crocco at 203-878-7440 ext. 502 or via email:
Ongoing Programs
- In-person Programs at the Coastal Center, your school or local park. Click HERE for program brochure.
- For more school program information click HERE
- Scout Programs: For details click HERE.