Birding Binoculars and Scopes

See migration at its best with a new binocular or scope. Don’t miss those special birds!
We have the best prices and are happy to match any price you see advertised. Our prices reflect about a 10% discount off of manufacturer’s suggested retail. Feel good knowing that your purchase supports our environmental education and conservation programs
Below is our binocular and spotting scope line and recommendations in varying price categories.
If you would like to be in touch with questions or to place an order, please do. We can drop ship the order to your location and have it in your hands usually within two or three business days. Shipping and tax (if applicable) are additional.
For sales, please call us at 860-767-0660 (M-F) or email us at
Click here for information on How to Select a Binocular or Scope.
Swarovski Binoculars

Swarovski NL Pure 8×32 $2,459 NEW LOWER PRICE!
Swarovski NL Pure 8×42 $2,949 NEW LOWER PRICE!
Swarovski NL Pure 10×42 $2,999 NEW LOWER PRICE!
Swarovski NL Pure 12×42 $3,049 NEW LOWER PRICE!
Highest Recommendation. Swarovski’s newest binocular. Nothing better! No regrets (except for why you waited so long)!
Swarovski EL 8.5×42 $1,999
Swarovski EL 10×42 $1,999
Highly recommended. Very bright; Great eye relief.
Swarovski CL Companion 8×30 $1,469
Smaller, more compact, and less weight than the ELs. Not as bright an image.
Zeiss Binoculars
Zeiss SFL 8×40 $1,799
Very nice at this price point. Clear and crisp image.
Vortex Binoculars
Vortex Razor HD 8×42 $980
Best binocular dollar-for-dollar!
Vortex Viper HD 8×42 $490
Best in its price category.
Vortex Diamondback 8×42 $240
Entry level. Good for kids and those with a tight budget.
Call for more information on binoculars starting at $100.
Spotting Scopes
The best spotting scopes available are made by Swarovski. Their top to the line are the ATX 115mm the ATX 95mm. If these scopes are in your budget, they are the best and you will be forever grateful for having such a wonderful piece of equipment. They will offer you the best digital images, too.
Swarovski Scopes
Swarovski ATX 115mm $5,998
No better! Best for digital imaging with your camera or cell phone.
Swarovski ATX 95mm $5,098
Easier transport than the 115mm! Great for digital imaging with your camera or cell phone.
Swarovski ATX 85mm $4,598
Lighter weight version of above with a smaller objective lens. If you are this close, go with the 95mm!
Swarovski ATS and STS 80mm $2,8698 NEW LOWER PRICE!
Includes a 20-60x eyepiece. Great at the price!
Vortex Scopes
Vortex Razor 85mm $1,700
Very good for the price!
Vortex Viper 85mm $900
Nice at the price!
Vortex Diamondback 85mm $500
For a tight budget.
Call for more information on scopes starting at $400.
Connecticut Audubon EcoTravel are now dealers for the Benro line of tripods. We offer both aluminum and carbon fiber legs, with a video head for smooth panning with a scope.
Benro TAD27A Aluminum 3 Section Legs w/ S4PRO Head $295 Most Cost Effective!
Benro TAD27C Carbon Fiber 3 Section Legs w/ S4PRO Head $340 Lightest in Weight!
For sales, please call us at 860-767-0660 (M-F)
or email us at