Connecticut Audbon Society
Migration Magic

Migration Magic 2024 Bird Walks and Other Programs

Migration Magic 2024 Bird Walks and Other Programs

To the hundreds of people across Connecticut who contributed and participated, a sincere thank you!

See all the Birdathon winners and participants on this page.

Join the Connecticut Audubon Society for Migration Magic! May 1-31, 2024.

If you participate in the Birdathon, every bird you see on the bird walks listed below will count. The walk leaders will help you with eBird, if you need it.

Contribute to bird conservation by making a donation to the Migration Magic Birdathon. Click here!

Spring Bird Walk at Stratford Point with Dave Havens  – Sold Out
Wednesday, May 1
9:30 to 11 a.m. 
Connecticut Audubon’s Educator/Naturalist Dave Havens will lead this walk to observe and learn about native and migrating species at this premier bird watching site with panoramic coastal views. Located where the mouth of the Housatonic River meets Long Island Sound, more than 290 species have been recorded there according to eBird. Stratford Point is located at 1207 Prospect Drive, Stratford.
Register here

Trail Wood Troubadours 
Wednesday, May 1, 6 – 9 p.m. 
Trail Wood, 93 Kenyon Road, Hampton 
Join our casual group to play music that was written during the period that the Teales lived at Trail Wood, 1959-1993. Songs can be viewed in advance. Chords and words will be projected on screen. Register by email to Free – donations appreciated!

Virginia Rail Bird Walk  — Sold Out
Friday, May 3, 6 p.m. 
Center at Pomfret
Our goal is to hear and observe Virginia Rail. We also will keep our eyes open for other species, such as Common Snipe and Vesper Sparrow. Meet at the Center, 218 Day Rd in Pomfret. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. Fee: $10 Connecticut Audubon members; $20 non-members.

Beginners Bird Walk 
Saturday, May 4, 8 a.m.
Keney Park, Hartford 
Join Catie Resor for a morning walk around the pond at Keney Park to see and hear the birds that call our Urban Greenspaces home.  Meet Catie in the parking lot of the Keney Park Pond House (323 Edgewood St, Hartford, CT). Email to register

Beginners Bird Walk
Saturday, May 4, 8 a.m. 
Center at Pomfret
Some of the colorful spring birds are back and the leaves aren’t out yet, so they are easier to spot. Expect to see Yellow, Blue-winged, and Black & White Warblers. Meet at the Center, 218 Day Rd in Pomfret. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. $10 Connecticut Audubon members; $20 non-members.

Spring Bird Walk – Sold Out
Saturday, May 4, 9-11 a.m.
The MillRace, Essex
Spring is one of the most exciting times to go birding in CT, as many species of shorebirds and songbirds make their way back to the state from their wintering grounds further south. Join us as we search for spring migrants at some of the best birding spots in southern CT. $13 members; $18 non-members 
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Migration Bird Walk
May 4, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Deer Pond Farm 
Spring migrants are returning, and the air is full of bird song, as males claim territory and try to attract mates for the breeding season. Join Stefan Martin, CT Audubon’s Conservation Manager at Deer Pond Farm for a guided bird walk to explore the trails in search of warblers, vireos, flycatchers and more!  $10 for members, $20 for non-members 
Register here

Bird Walk
Tuesday, May 7,  7 a.m.
New Pond Farm, Redding
Bird walk with Milan Bull, Connecticut Audubon’s Senior Director of Science and Conservation. Reg.ister through the New Pond Farm website.

Bird Walk at Birdcraft with Stefan Martin
Thursday, May 9
7:30 to 8:30 a.m.
Join Conservation Manager Stefan Martin at this historic property to look for returning migrant songbirds. What Birdcraft lacks in size, it makes up for in diversity with over 30 species of warblers and nearly 180 species of birds seen at this urban oasis. One of the area’s best locations to photograph warblers in the spring, Birdcraft Sanctuary is located at 314 Unquowa Road, Fairfield.
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Bird Walk at Smith Richardson with Stefan Martin – Sold Out
Thursday, May 9
10 a.m. to 12 noon
Conservation Manager Stefan Martin leads this exploration of the diverse habitats of the Smith Richardson Preserve in Westport. Just a stone’s throw away from Long Island Sound we’ll have the chance to see returning songbirds like warblers and orioles, as well as coastal waterbirds such as egrets and osprey. The parking lot for the Sanctuary entrance gate is located at 39 Sasco Creek Road, Westport.
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Annual Lyme Loop
Thursday, May 9  6 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Travel through Lyme and Nehantic State Forest in search of neotropical migrants. The habitats of the state forest includes wetlands, streams, and ponds, all excellent places for the morning chorus of warblers, vireos, and other songbirds. Focus will be on learning bird songs. Leader: Andy Griswold. Fee: $90. Members: $75. Call 860-767-0660.

Trail Wood Bird Walks
Thursday, May 9 at 8 a.m.
Walk the paths of the Teale Sanctuary at Trail Wood, 93 Kenyon Rd in Hampton, with Andy as your guide looking for Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting and more. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. Fee:  $10 Connecticut Audubon members; $20 non-members.

Friedman Forest Bird Walk
Friday, May 10, 8 a.m. 
We’ll explore this fantastic Joshua’s Trust preserve, looking for Cerulean and Worm-eating Warblers. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. Fee: $20 Connecticut Audubon members; $30 non-members.

Gellert Preserve Bird Walk
Saturday, May 11, 8 a.m. 
This Wyndham Land Trust preserve features a variety of habitats – open field, shrubland, and woodland. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. Fee: $10 Connecticut Audubon members; $20 non-members.

Oak Lawn Cemetery Bird Walk
Saturday, May 11, 8 a.m., Oak Lawn Cemetery, Fairfield.
Bird walk with Milan Bull, Connecticut Audubon’s Senior Director of Science and Conservation. Meet at the cemetery office located just inside the entrance gate at 1530 Bronson Road in Fairfield.

Spring Bird Walk in the Larsen Sanctuary with Stefan Martin 
Saturday, May 11 , 8 to 10 a.m.
Join Conservation Manager Stefan Martin for this special prelude-to-Mother’s-Day walk to look for some of our returning songbirds. The Larsen Sanctuary is not only home to many of these species but is also an important stopover for some of these birds while they continue their journey north. The Larsen Sanctuary is located at 2325 Burr St., Fairfield.
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Bird Banding Demonstration at Birdcraft
Saturday, May 11 (rain date May 18), 8 to 10 a.m. 
Judy Richardson and her team offer a fascinating, up-close view of how bird banding works. Watch as birds are gently captured in the Birdcraft Sanctuary, their measurements are recorded, and they are fitted with an identification band before being released back into the wild, unharmed. (Participants may get to release a bird too!) One of the longest-running licensed banding stations in the Northeast, Birdcraft Sanctuary is located at 314 Unquowa Road, Fairfield.
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Migrants and Mushrooms – Sold Out
Saturday, May 11, 9- 11 a.m.
Connecticut College Arboretum, New London
May is the best month for birds in Connecticut, when spring migration hits its peak and a huge number of birds are moving through the state. Spring is also a great time to head out and look for mushrooms, as the wet and warmer weather makes for ideal conditions for fruiting bodies to show up. Join us as we search for both mushrooms and migrating songbirds in the diverse habitats of the Connecticut College Arboretum. Free for members; $10 non-members.
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iPhone Instagram Images 
Saturday, May 11, 9 – 11 a.m.
Trail Wood, 93 Kenyon Road, Hampton 
Bring your smart phone for a workshop and walk with @trailwoodjournal’s Laura Tedeschi. We will discuss image settings and how to get the best image compositions or details. Nellie Teale said it best, “Walk slow, you’ll see more.”  Register by email to Fee: $5 Connecticut Audubon members; $10 non-members.

Nature Sketchbook Journaling
Saturday, May 11, 1 – 4 p.m.
Trail Wood, 93 Kenyon Road, Hampton 
Roxanne Steed will take you out on the Teale Sanctuary, with an eye for birds, and then you’ll finish your pages with paint and details. Learn how to make your images into larger paintings. Bring a watercolor sketchbook, permanent markers, a portable watercolor kit, a small cup to hold water, and paper towels. Please call 860-928-4948 to register. Fee: $15 Connecticut Audubon members; $25 non-members.

Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day Walk 
Sunday, May 12, 2 – 4 p.m.
Trail Wood, 93 Kenyon Rd in Hampton 
Treat Mom to an enjoyable afternoon outdoors! Register by email to Free to Connecticut Audubon members; $5 non-members; Moms free!

Mother’s Day Bird Walk
Sunday, May 12 at 8 a.m. 
Bring your mother or grandmother out to see the colorful birds of spring with Andy. Many species should be found. Meet at the Center, 218 Day Rd in Pomfret. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. Fee: $10 Connecticut Audubon members; $20 non- members; Moms free!

Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center Warblers Webinar 
May 15;  6-7 p.m. 
via Zoom 
Often known as “jewels of the bird world”, warblers are among the most sought-after birds during spring migration, as dozens of species make their way into and through Connecticut on their northbound journeys. In this webinar, Conservation & Education Coordinator Joe Attwater will go over the incredible migrations these birds undertake, and which ones you can expect to see in Connecticut in spring. Joe will discuss: Warbler Migration, Behaviors, CT Species, Threats & Conservation. Free; registration required 
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20 Warbler Day
Wednesday, May 15, 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. 
Traveling to numerous locations around Pomfret at the peak of warbler migration, we will try to find 20 species of warbler in one day. Join the search. Meet at the Center, 218 Day Rd in Pomfret and we’ll carpool from there. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. Fee: $25 Connecticut Audubon members; $50 non-members.

Cabbage Hill Bird Walk
Thursday, May 16, 8 a.m. 
This beautiful new preserve has a variety of habitats, including a large hayfield with breeding Bobolink. We’ll visit an old family graveyard. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. Fee: $10 Connecticut Audubon members; $20 non-members.

Wood-Warblers of Cockaponset State Forest
Thursday, May 16  6 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Cockaponset State Forest, named after a Native American chief buried in the Ponset section of Haddam, is the second largest forest in the state forest system, encompassing over 16,000 acres. It offers great habitat for migrating songbirds and provides for a busy morning of warblers, vireos, thrushes, and more. Leader: Andy Griswold. Fee: $90. Members: $75. Call 860-767-0660.

Frog and Toad Calls 
Thursday, May 16,6:30 p.m.
Trail Wood, 93 Kenyon Road, Hampton 
Frogs and toads can be heard from Feb. thru Oct. Learn to identify them. Take an evening walk around the pond and identify any frogs or toads. With luck, we will hear Spring Peepers and Wood Frogs. Register by email to or call 860-928-4948. Fee: $5 Connecticut Audubon members; $10 non-members.

Shorebird Weekend: Friday, Saturday & Sunday!

Shorebird Walk at Bluff Point State Park, Groton – Sold Out
Friday, May 17; 2-4 p.m. 
Bluff Point is part of Connecticut’s only National Estuarine Research Reserve and is an important spot for migrating shorebirds and nesting Piping Plovers. It’s coastal forests are home to warblers, vireos, orioles, and more, and wading herons and egrets feed from the salt marshes. Walk will be approximately 3-miles out and back on level dirt trails. Restrooms on site. $13 members; $18 non-members 
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Concert:  Cindy Kallet, Grey Larsen & Will Brown 
Friday, May 17, 7:30 p.m.
Center at Pomfret, 218 Day Road, Pomfret
Harmony Singing, Original & Contemporary Songs, Traditional Irish Tunes, Old-Time Fiddle, Scandinavian Fiddle Duets. Visit for more! $20 Advance Reservations; $25 at the Door. Call 860-928-4948 to reserve a spot.

Bird Banding Demonstration
Saturday, May 18, 9 a.m. 
Watch Andy and fellow banders catch birds, record data about them (species, sex, age, size, weight, condition, etc.), band, and safely release them. You may have an opportunity to release a bird yourself. Limited to 20 participants. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. Fee: $10 Connecticut Audubon members; $20 non-members.

Shorebird Walk at Harkness Memorial Stare Park, Waterford
Saturday, May 18; 9-11 a.m. 
With sweeping views of Long Island Sounds, the beaches and mudflats of Harkness State Park are the perfect stopover sites for migrating shorebirds. The sound and Goshen cove also hold waterfowl and wading birds. Walk will be approximately 1-1.5 miles out and back on level grass, dirt, and paved terrain. Exposure to sun and wind possible depending on weather. Portable toilets on site. $13 members; $18 non-members 
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Shorebird Walk at Hammonasset Beach State Park, Madison – Sold Out
Saturday, May 18; 2-4 p.m. 
One of the best birding destinations in the state, Hammonasset boasts more bird species recorded than any other in Connecticut. With sandy and rocky beaches, salt marshes, and open fields, it’s a shorebird paradise. Walk will be approximately 1.5-2 miles on level grassy, sandy, and dirt terrain, as well as some paved areas. Restrooms on site. $13 members; $18 non-members 
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Spring Bird Walk at Sherwood Island State Park with Dave Havens – Sold Out
Saturday, May 18, 9:30 to 11 a.m. 
Connecticut Audubon’s Educator/Naturalist Dave Havens will lead this walk to observe and learn about native and migrating species at this premier bird watching location. Sherwood Island is one of largest undeveloped parcels of coastal land in the state, and its variety of habitats (shorelines, marshes, meadows, woods, and dunes) attract a wide range of bird species – especially during spring migration when birds are on the move. Sherwood Island State Park is located in Westport, CT, just off Exit 18 of I-95. Participants will meet at the Pavilion.
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Forest Bird Walk
Saturday, May 18, 9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Deer Pond Farm, Sherman
The forest is filled with various feathered friends this time of year. Many birds are here for the nesting season and others are passing through on their way to more northern breeding grounds in New England and Canada. Join Angela Dimmitt Western CT Bird Club president and local bird expert on this guided forest bird walk. We hope to see warblers, sparrows, hawks, ravens and more. $10 for members, $20 for non-members 
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Beginner Birding
Saturday, May 18, 2024, 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.  
Deer Pond Farm, Sherman
Why do people love birding? Birds have beautiful plumage, songs, and calls. The science of their migration, flight and nest building is unique for each species. Learning more about birds and where they live connects people to nature. Birding is for everyone! It is multigenerational and can be great exercise. Join Deer Pond Farm’s Director, Cathy Hagadorn, for this beginner birding walk to learn more about how to observe birds in various habitats. We have binoculars to borrow, and we’ll have our spotting scope set up. Bird watching ethics and apps for learning about and tracking your bird & wildlife observations will also be covered. $10 for members, $20 for non-members.
Register here

Family Shorebird Walk
Saturday, May 18, 1-3 p.m.
Coastal Center at Milford Point, Milford. 
We’ve timed this walk for an ebbing tide several hours after high tide, to leave plenty of room for participants to view shorebirds with minimal disturbance to them. The Milford Point sandbar is just what it sounds like—a wide spit of sand, shadeless and fully exposed to Long Island Sound and the elements—so check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. We’ll see hundreds if not thousands of shorebirds, including Semipalmated Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Ruddy Turnstone, Black-bellied Plover, and Semipalmated Plover. We’ll also see nesting Piping Plover and American Oystercatcher. Children 8 years old and older are welcome with an adult. Bring binoculars; walk leaders will make sure you see plenty of birds!
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Shorebird Walk at Barn Island WMA, Stonington – Sold Out
Sunday, May 19; 8 – 10 a.m. 
Barn Island is a globally important bird area, with over 1,000 acres of diverse habitat in management. We’ll search the extensive salt marshes for migrating and nesting shorebirds and wading birds in one of the largest coastal reserves in CT.  Walk will be approximately 1-1.5 miles out and back on level dirt and gravel paths. Exposure to sun and wind possible depending on weather. No restrooms on site. $13 members; $18 non-members 
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Shorebird/Coastal Bird Family Walk at Rocky Neck State Park, East Lyme 
Sunday, May 19; 10:30-11:30 a.m. 
Rocky Neck State Park’s large saltmarsh is the perfect spot to look for shorebirds, waterfowl, herons, and egrets. Osprey and Bald Eagles fly overhead, and the beaches are home to gulls and terns. Join us on this family friendly walk as we look for the diverse array of birds that rely on this coastal park! Walk will be an approximately 1-mile loop on level dirt, grass, and paved terrains. All ages welcome. Exposure to sun and wind possible depending on weather. Restrooms on site. $5 child; $10 members; $15 non-members 
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90 Bird Day
Sunday, May 19, 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. 
Center at Pomfret
We have 10 hours to hear or see at least 90 species of birds. We will visit various locations.  Bring lunch, drinks, and snacks. Meet at the Center, 218 Day Road, Pomfret, and we’ll carpool from there. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. $25 Connecticut Audubon members; $50 non-members.

Family Shorebird Walk
Sunday, May 19, 1-3 p.m.
Coastal Center at Milford Point, Milford. 

We’ve timed this walk for an ebbing tide several hours after high tide, to leave plenty of room for participants to view shorebirds with minimal disturbance to them. The Milford Point sandbar is just what it sounds like—a wide spit of sand, shadeless and fully exposed to Long Island Sound and the elements—so check the weather forecast and dress appropriately. We’ll see hundreds if not thousands of shorebirds, including Semipalmated Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Ruddy Turnstone, Black-bellied Plover, and Semipalmated Plover. We’ll also see nesting Piping Plover and American Oystercatcher. Children 8 years old and older are welcome with an adult. Bring binoculars; walk leaders will make sure you see plenty of birds!
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Trail Wood Bird Walk
Monday, May 20, 8 a.m. 
Walk the paths of the Teale Sanctuary at Trail Wood, 93 Kenyon Rd in Hampton, with Andy as your guide looking for Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting and more. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. Fee:  $10 Connecticut Audubon members; $20 non-members.

Pumpkin Hill Bird Walk 
Thursday, May 23, 8 a.m. 
We’ll explore this fantastic birding location, expecting to find warblers and both Cuckoo species. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. $10 Connecticut Audubon members; $20 non-members.

Boston Hollow Bird Watch
Sunday, May 26 at 8 a.m. 
Join us at beautiful Boston Hollow in Ashford, with its northern forest feel. We will stay on the road to bird. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. Fee: $20 Connecticut Audubon members; $30 non-members.

Connecticut Audubon’s Croft Preserve
Sunday, May 26  6 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Located in Goshen, Connecticut Audubon Society’s Richard G. Croft Memorial Preserve is within one of the largest continual forest blocks in the state. The fantastic mix of habitats found throughout is home to uncommon and rare breeding species, including Ruffed Grouse and American Goshawk. This property is managed primarily for wildlife, and as such the trails can be steep and challenging to navigate with no infrastructure in place. Leader: Matt Bell. $100. Members: $85. Call 860-767-0660.

Birds in Your Garden
May 29, 10 a.m. – Noon
Deer Pond Farm, Sherman
Join us at Deer Pond Farm for a presentation on Birds in Your Garden. Master gardener and Deer Pond Farm office manager, Barbara Wood, will begin this program in the classroom with an introduction to how you can support birds in your garden. Then we’ll head out for a walk through the pollinator garden to learn how diverse seasonal plantings can support birds and pollinators year-round! $10 for members, $20 for non-members.
Register here

Chaney Preserve Bird Walk
Thursday, May 30 at 8 a.m.
Chaney Preserve, Montville
Nesting Hooded, Prairie, and Worm-eating Warblers are a few of the expected birds at this Connecticut Audubon Society preserve in Montville. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948. $20 Connecticut Audubon members; $30 non-members.

Nightingale Forest Preserve (North)  
Friday, May 31 at 8 a.m. 
Walk this Wyndham Land Trust preserve. Expect to see Black-throated Blue and Canada Warblers, and Broad-winged Hawk. Register by emailing or calling 860-928-4948.  $10 Connecticut Audubon members; $20 non-members.


Migration Magic Sponsors


Mark Naso, CFP ®

Gawel Excavating




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