Connecticut Audbon Society
Migration Magic

Migration Magic Birdathon Photo Contest

Migration Magic Birdathon Photo Contest

Kalel Attonito took this photo of a Ruddy Turnstone at the Milford Point Coastal Center. It was picked as best photo in the Young Birder category in 2023.

To the hundreds of people across Connecticut who contributed and participated in the 2024 photo contest, a sincere thank you!

See all the Birdathon winners and participants on this page.

Everyone who participates in the Migration Magic Birdathon, scheduled for May 1-31, 2025, is eligible for the Photo Contest. So register for the Birdathon and enter your best photos.

We will award prizes for best photo taken by an adult and best photo taken by a young birder (17 years and younger). Jesse Thompson, owner of Milford Photo, served as 2024 photo contest judge. Thank you, Jesse!

How to participate
Take photos while you’re birding any time during the month, and then submit your best 3 photos by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 6. Email your entries to

Photo Contest participants must be registered for the Birdathon.

“Young Birders” must be 17 years of age or younger.

All photographs must be taken in Connecticut during May, with one exception: The section of Deer Pond Farm in New York, although you must be on the Deer Pond Farm property at all times.

Best photo must not be Photoshopped or use AI-generated objects, except for those designed for noise reduction or sharpening.

Allowed edits include cropping, exposure, minor color correction, and noise reduction software.

Composite images are not allowed.

Original image must be available if requested

Photos must be submitted without the photographer’s name on the image itself

Participants may submit up to 3 images.

Photos must be taken from May 1 through May 31, 2025. Submit your photos by Friday, June 6, and include the date when and location where you took it. Email photos to

Abide by the Code of Birding Ethics 

For the Photo Contest:

Use of drones, airplanes, helicopters, and hang gliders is prohibited.

Refrain from using recordings to attract birds. Pishing is allowed.

Avoid “bushwhacking,” stay on trails.

Avoid approaching active nests.

Attempt to minimize your impact on the environment.

Abide by the ABA Guidelines on Birding and Social Distancing

No trespassing on private property. Participants must have permission from landowners.

Connecticut Audubon Society staff members and their immediate families are not eligible for prizes

Connecticut Audubon will submit the photos with no identifying marks to this year’s judge, Jesse Thompson of Milford Photo.

Best photo taken by an adult


Best photo taken by a young birder


Connecticut Audubon Society staff members and their immediate families are not eligible for prizes.

Click HERE to see the 2022 Birdathon Photo Contest winners, judged by photographer Jackson Hallberg.

Click HERE to see the 2021 Birdathon Photo Contest winners, judged by photographer Mary Grace Leone of West Haven.

Click HERE to see the 2020 Birdathon Photo Contest winners, judged by photographer-designer Julian Hough of New Haven.


Migration Magic Sponsors


Mark Naso, CFP ®

Gawel Excavating




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