Connecticut Audbon Society
The Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center

The Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center

Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center
Programs & Events

Looking to schedule one of our interactive programs exclusively for your group?

Click Here for Details!

Celebrate Your Child’s Birthday at the RTP Estuary Center!

Click Here for Details!


Youth/Family Programs

RTP Estuary Center Afterschool Adventures Program

Registration Open For Session 4
Tuesdays  3:45-5:00 p.m.

The RTP Estuary Center’s afterschool program allows participants to engage in hands-on, inquiry-based learning experiences through STEAM-based activities. Participants will learn how to use various types of scientific equipment and design and conduct experiments based on different weekly, seasonally-based topics while leaving room for crafts and games.  Themes will reflect the seasonal change found in nature. Each session will run for 6 weeks, meeting once a week from 3:45-5:00 pm. Participants are encouraged to dress for the weather and bring a snack and water bottle. Open to Grade K-4. Cost  for all 6 weeks is $75 for members and $90 for non-members  Contact Heather at for questions.  Click Here for required registration paperwork

Busing is provided ONLY for Mile Creek Elementary and Lyme Consolidated students from school to the RTP Estuary Center for drop-off. Parent/Guardian must pick-up from RTP Estuary Center.

Session 4:

Register Here for Session 4 Tuesdays

Tuesday dates: Feb 25, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1






The Science of Self-Care

Wednesday, February 26; 3:45-5:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 1; 3-6 p.m.
RTP Estuary Center

Learn how to make natural skincare products at the RTP Estuary Center! Bring a friend for a fun, low-key afternoon using fresh and dried herbs, essential oils, and all-natural ingredients to make your own beauty products and skincare! Wednesday’s program will include making your own lip balm and Saturday’s program will include creating your own custom steam and face mask. This is a drop-off program open to ages 7-12. $20/person for Wednesday program and $30/person for Saturday program. 

Busing provided from Mile Creek Elementary and Lyme Consolidated for Wednesday program ONLY

Register Here for Wednesday, February 26

Register Here for Saturday, March 1

Each child must have the following forms to participate:

Registration Form

Authorized Dismissal Form


April Vacation Week

Monday, April 14- Friday, April 18
9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
RTP Estuary Center

Explore with us this spring at the RTP Estuary Center! Outdoor explorations, hands-on science experiments, games, and creative activities are in store! Outdoor attire is required. The program is for ages 5 – 11. Each child should bring a water bottle, a snack, and lunch. Registration is required. The fee is $375/child for the full week or $80/child per individual day

Click Here to Register for the Full Week
Click Here to Register for a Single Day program

Each child must have the following forms to participate:

Registration Form

Authorized Dismissal Form

Health Form


Family Shorebird Walks

Saturday, March 15; 1:30-3 pm
Rocky Neck State Park, East Lyme

Summer is a great time to see shorebirds along the CT coast. We’ll look and listen to these charismatic birds and enjoy some of our most beautiful coastal parks. The walk is suitable for ages 5 and up. $10 members; $15 non-members; $5 for children ages 12 and under.
– Walk at Rocky Neck will be approximately 1 mile on level dirt, grassy, and sandy terrain. Exposure to wind, sun, and cold is possible depending on the weather. Portable toilets are on site.

 Register Here


Adult Programs

Eagle Watch

Bald EagleSaturday, March 1; 9-11 am
North Cove, Essex

Winter along the Connecticut River is a great time to see Bald Eagles as they head from frozen inland waters to the open waters along the coast. We’ll search the shores of North Cove for eagles and other winter residents. $ 13 members; $18 non-members.
– There will be minimal walking on level, paved, and grassy terrain. No restrooms on site.

 Register Here


Shorebird Walks

Saturday, March 1; 1-3 pm
Saturday, March 22; 9-11 am
Saturday, March 29; 1-3 pm

Most of North America’s shorebird species winter in South & Central America, heading north to breed in the high Arctic. Some of these birds winter in CT, while others started their southbound journey in mid-late summer. Join us as we look for many of our shorebird species at some of the best spots around southeastern Connecticut and learn how you can help these charismatic birds. $13 for members; $18 for non-members.

– Walk at Great Island Boat Launch will involve little to no walking on pavement, it will be mostly stationary observation. Exposure to wind, sun, and cold is possible depending on the weather. No restrooms on site.
– Walk at Fort Trumbull will be approximately .5-1 mile on level paved and grassy terrain. Exposure to wind, sun, and cold is possible depending on the weather. No restrooms on site. 
– Walk at Barn Island will be approximately 1-1.5 miles out and back on level dirt terrain. Exposure to wind, sun, and cold is possible depending on the weather. No restrooms on site. 

Saturday, March 1 at Great Island Boat Launch, Old Lyme; 1-3 pm – Register Here

Saturday, March 22 at Fort Trumbull, New London; 9-11 am – Register Here

Saturday, March 29 at Barn Island, Stonington; 1-3 pm – Register Here



Webinars via Zoom


FrogWatch USA Training Workshop

Gray Treefrog by Stefan Martin

Tuesday, February 25; 6-7:30 p.m. via Zoom

Did you know you can help monitor frog and toad populations in your area in just 10 minutes a week? Become a certified FrogWatch USA volunteer during our 90-minute training program, where you’ll learn how to identify frogs and toads by call and how to collect and submit valuable population data to a national survey. Volunteers only need to attend one workshop and successfully pass the amphibian assessment.  Following the virtual training, there will be an optional virtual tour of Mystic Aquarium’s Frogs! exhibit. The program is free; Registration is required.

Register Here for Zoom link


Blackbirds Webinar

Wednesday, March 19; 6-7 pm

Some of our most beloved and familiar birds in CT are in the blackbird family, a large and diverse group of birds with some unique species. In this webinar, Conservation & Education Coordinator Joe Attwater will go over this fascinating group of birds and which ones you can expect to see in the state. Joe will discuss

  • Breeding, Nesting, & Foraging Behaviors
  • CT Species
  • Threats & Conservation

Register Here for Zoom link

Free to attend. Suggested donation $10. Registration required





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