Connecticut Audbon Society
The Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center

The Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center

Conservation at the Roger Tory Peterson Estuary Center

Conservation Community Science Programming

Introducing four new community conservation science programs to RTPEC this upcoming summer! The goal of these national and regional programs are to collect more information on their target species: where they occur, what kind of habitat they need, what threats they face, and what stewardship actions will best help them thrive. We selected these initiatives because each focuses on a species—Frogs, Horseshoe Crab, firefly, dragonfly/damselfly, and Monarch Butterfly—that plays an important role in the southeastern Connecticut ecosystem.

Community conservation science programming provides community members with  opportunities to get involved in collecting scientific data and participating in conservation science research throughout Southeastern Connecticut. Click the following links for more information on the programs and training dates!

FrogWatch USA 

Click here for more information!

Firefly Atlas

Click here for more information!

Odonata Central

Click here for more information!

Project Limulus

 Click here for more information!

Monarch Watch

Click here for more information!


For further information about community conservation science programming or inquiries regarding participation, please contact Conservation Science Coordinator, Taylor Breton, at or (860) 598- 4218

February 2025 RTPEC Bird List
45 species

Canada Goose • Mallard • American Black Duck • *Northern Pintail* • Hooded Merganser • Common Merganser • Ring-necked DuckGreat Blue Heron • American Herring Gull • *Common Loon* • Turkey Vulture • Bald Eagle • Cooper’s Hawk • Mourning Dove • Belted Kingfisher • Downy Woodpecker • Hairy Woodpecker • Red-bellied Woodpecker • Northern Flicker • Yellow-bellied Sapsucker • Common Raven • American Crow • Blue Jay Cedar Waxwing • Black-capped Chickadee • Tufted Titmouse • Golden-crowned Kinglet • White-breasted Nuthatch • Brown Creeper • Carolina Wren • European Starling • American Robin • Eastern Bluebird • House Sparrow • American Goldfinch • House Finch • Song Sparrow • Swamp Sparrow • White-throated Sparrow • Chipping Sparrow • American Tree Sparrow • Fox Sparrow • Dark-eyed Junco • Red-winged Blackbird • Northern Cardinal


Check out our eBird Hotspot to see a full list of species seen at the center for every month!

Click Here for more information on the species of birds found on our sanctuary.

Stop into the center to get your copy of the RTPEC Bird Checklist!

* = New to the center!

Check out our yearly bird lists at the RTPEC!




Wildlife Cam

Check out who’s visiting the RTP Estuary Center

Coyote 2.20.24

Raccoon 2.12.24

Grey Fox 11.1.23

Monitoring air quality at the RTP Estuary Center

We’ve installed a PurpleAir monitor at the RTP Estuary Center as part of our ongoing commitment to environmental conservation. The monitor allows us to track local air quality and add to a community database, which can be used by weather tracking organizations, climate scientists, and the general public to learn more about the air around them. 

PurpleAir monitors measure the concentration of air pollutants, providing real-time data on air quality conditions. By placing these monitors at our centers, we aim to educate about pollution and its impact on both human health and the environment. 

Air quality is a critical component of environmental health, as poor air causes respiratory issues to people and wildlife. Birds are especially susceptible to poor air quality, but natural spaces like wildlife sanctuaries provide a pollution buffer and improve the overall health of the area. These monitors will allow us to better understand local air pollution levels and how green spaces impact them. 

You can see the real-time data in the green box below. There’s more on the PurpleAir website. 

We thank CT DEEP and PurpleAir for donating these monitors to our centers. 

Loading PurpleAir Widget…


Click Here to Check Out Some Of Our Past Articles

October 3, 2018 – A study of Old Lyme’s Tree Swallow roost by Cornell, UMass and others could revolutionize scientific understanding of the species

August 7, 2018 – Student scientists from Mount Holyoke uncover important habitat changes in the Connecticut River estuary


Roger Tory Peterson Science Advisory Board

Dr. Wayne (Rocky) Geyer, Chair
Senior Scientist and Department head, Applied Physics and Engineering,
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute

Dr. Hans Guerro Dam
Professor, Department of Marine Sciences, UCONN Avery Point

Dr. Christopher Elphick
Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCONN Storrs

Dr. Melanie Fewings
Assistant Professor, Department of Marine Sciences, UCONN Avery Point

Dr. Peter Raymond
Professor, Department of Ecosystems Ecology, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University

Dr. Julie Rose
Research Ecologist, Northeast Fisheries and Science Center,
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration

Dr. Joop Vararekamp
Harold T. Stearns Professor of Earth Sciences, Wesleyan University





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