January 16, 2019
Where and When To Find It: Cove Island Park, Stamford. Right now. There’s no guarantee we’ll see another. Alternatively, plan on a very long plane ride.
January 16, 2019
Where and When To Find It: Cove Island Park, Stamford. Right now. There’s no guarantee we’ll see another. Alternatively, plan on a very long plane ride.
March 1, 2018. Mew Gulls are a rare visitor to Connecticut, but late winter and early spring (March into April) are a great time of year to look over gatherings of gulls along the coast or even inland to try to find a needle in the haystack.
January 3, 2018. A great find at any time of the year, but more likely in the late winter and early spring, this small, hooded gull is normally found associating with large flocks of Bonaparte’s Gulls but often consorts with larger gull species such as Laughing and Ring-billed Gulls.
November 2, 2017. Franklin’s Gulls are extremely rare visitors to Connecticut.
October 19, 2017. Nominally a European species, the Lesser Black-backed Gull is now an uncommon but regularly occurring bird along Connecticut’s coast from October through March.
April 2, 2015 – Gulls are far less likely to spark a birder’s excitement than the ever-popular warblers or raptors, but Bonaparte’s Gulls are very different than their familiar beach-loafing, French fry-loving relatives. Bonaparte’s Gulls are small, spunky, sharply-plumaged gulls that may remind you more of terns than the typical “seagulls” you’re used to seeing.