Connecticut Audbon Society

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Osprey Nation Grows as Citizen Scientists Help Monitor Connecticut’s Osprey Population

July 13, 2015 — Osprey Nation, the Connecticut Audubon Society’s citizen science program, has grown significantly in its second year, with more volunteer stewards documenting, mapping and monitoring considerably more nests than last year. Statewide, 134 Connecticut residents are volunteering this nesting season to collect bi-weekly and monthly data on the state’s rapidly increasing Osprey […]


A New Logo, a New Look for the Future

June 24, 2015 – The Connecticut Audubon Society has a new logo and a new look, and we are pleased and proud to be able to share it today with our members and supporters. We unveiled the new logo this morning at a lively event with our summer camp kids in Fairfield (read the news […]


Connecticut Audubon Expands with New Regional Board in Lower Connecticut River Valley

May 5, 2015 – The Connecticut Audubon Society is pleased to announce the formation of a new regional board focused on the lower Connecticut River valley. The new regional board will work in conjunction with Connecticut Audubon Society staff and state Board of Directors to provide direction and support to the organization’s conservation and education […]


Osprey Nation: 2014 Final Report

March 10, 2015     In 2014 Connecticut Audubon Society launched Osprey Nation[i], a statewide program aimed to monitor and help enhance the osprey population in the state. In a two pronged approach, the Connecticut Audubon Society has sought to support and facilitate scientific research on the ospreys, particularly the large colony at the mouth […]


Lecturer Enlightens Audience of 130 about Hidden Lives of Snowy Owls

January 26, 2015 – Before last winter, the common wisdom was that the Snowy Owls that occasionally left their Arctic breeding grounds to winter further south did so because they were desperate for food and arrived in our area exhausted and starving. But according to Don Crockett, who develops the interactive Snowy Owl maps for […]


Grant Improves Habitat at Trail Wood

From 1959 until his death in 1980, Edwin Way Teale, who won the Pulitzer Prize for non-fiction in 1966, observed the natural world from his home in Hampton, writing down what he saw and heard and turning his observations into two books, including A Naturalist Buys an Old Farm. Teale’s land and former home is […]


3M Eco Grant to Provide Outdoor Science Education in Meriden

Connecticut Audubon Society has been awarded an $34,440 3M Eco Grant to identify natural habitats near Meriden elementary schools where students can participate in Connecticut Audubon’s award-winning Science in Nature education program. The grant is the second 3M Eco Grant that Connecticut Audubon Society has been awarded in three years. The first was used to […]


Employment Opportunity: Summer Camp Director

The Summer Camp Director oversees the summer camp programs for ages 3-12. The director will train, supervise and evaluate teaching staff, volunteers, and teach occasionally. This position includes administrative duties related to summer camp, including maintaining camp license, staff professionalism, high quality of teaching and fostering a fun learning environment. Full time seasonal position; the […]


The John Patrick Flanagan Trail Blazers Program Brings Kids to the Woods

The John Patrick Flanagan Foundation has once again generously provided Connecticut Audubon Society with a grant for its Trail Blazers program, which brings Bridgeport public school students to our Center at Fairfield and its Larsen Sanctuary for a day of  science education in the outdoors. Students in the Trail Blazers program learn about conservation science […]


Connecticut Audubon Society Today: An Organization of Bird Watchers, Or Something More?

Perhaps you’ve gone on one of our nature walks, read about our work in the press, chanced upon us in a blog or on Facebook, or received our weekly Bird Finder email. Have you wondered what exactly Connecticut Audubon Society does, or what we stand for?

Are we simply an organization of bird watchers, or do we stand for something larger?

Connecticut Audubon Society aims to be the leading conservation organization in the state, and we seek to do that by leveraging the charismatic nature of birds to inspire a stronger conservation ethos.


News Release: “Science in Nature” Named Region’s Best Environmental Ed Program

October 31, 2014 – Connecticut Audubon Society’s new suite of Science in Nature education programs, which in just two years have brought hands-on outdoor science education to 15,000 students throughout the state, has been honored as the region’s outstanding environmental education program by the New England Environmental Education Alliance. Established in 2012, Science in Nature […]


Connecticut Audubon Society Presents Annual “Dave Engelman” Volunteer Award to Phil Donahue

Connecticut Audubon Society presented television personality and film producer Phil Donahue, a former Westport, Ct., resident, with its annual volunteer award for his dedication to helping restore the state’s population of Purple Martins, a threatened species, at its 116th annual meeting, Thursday, October 2, in New Haven. Milan Bull, Connecticut Audubon’s senior director of science […]


Make Your 2015 Tree Swallow Cruise Reservations Now!

Our 2014 Tree Swallow cruises sold out fast, so we are beginning our 2015 reservations now! Guarantee a space for next year by reserving today! Simply click here to make your reservations online. Call our office at 860-767-0660 or email Learn more about the Swallow Cruises on this page.


Connecticut Audubon Society Presents Annual Award to Phil Donahue

Connecticut Audubon Society presented television personality and film producer Phil Donahue, a former Westport, Ct., resident, with its annual volunteer award for his dedication to helping restore the state’s population of Purple Martins, a threatened species, at its 116th annual meeting, Thursday, October 2, in New Haven. Milan Bull, Connecticut Audubon’s senior director of science […]


Two Roads Brewing Donates Shore 2 the Pour Proceeds to Support Conservation

Brad Hittle, left, chief executive of Two Roads Brewing in Stratford, presents a check for $4,000 to Kaylee Weil, director of our Milford Point Coastal Center, and Connecticut Audubon President Alexander Brash. Two Roads generously made Connecticut Audubon Society the beneficiary of its Shore 2 the Pour Road Race in Stratford, on August 24, in […]


Connecticut State of the Birds 2014: Habitat Change Threatens State Birds; Sound Conservation Management is Crucial to Recovery

Fairfield, July 28, 2014 — Connecticut’s wide diversity of bird species is diminishing and is at risk of continued declines as habitats throughout the state suffer from neglect caused by a lack of conservation management. That’s the key finding of Connecticut Audubon Society’s annual Connecticut State of the Birds report, released today at a news […]


News Release: SBM Charitable Foundation Supports Outdoor Science Education for 1,500 Students at Connecticut Audubon’s Center at Glastonbury

June 6, 2014 –Fifteen hundred elementary school students from Manchester and East Hartford participated in hands-on curriculum-based conservation science instruction at Connecticut Audubon Society’s Center at Glastonbury this spring, thanks to a grant from the SBM Charitable Foundation of Manchester. Through Connecticut Audubon’s flagship Science in Nature program, the students delved into conservation subjects such […]


The Winners of the Great Snowy Owl Observation Contest of 2014

The last Snowy Owls from the winter’s historic influx have migrated north, leaving bird lovers throughout Connecticut with months of great birding memories. Connecticut Audubon Society is marking the end of this memorable season by announcing the winners of its Great Snowy Owl Observation Contest of 2014. The winners are Donna Johnson Buckley, of Clinton, […]


Introducing ‘Connecticut Audubon Bird Finder,’ A Weekly Guide to the State’s Birds and its Great Outdoor Places

Connecticut Audubon Society has launched a new weekly guide, called Connecticut Audubon Bird Finder, to help birders plan weekend trips to great outdoor settings throughout the state. Connecticut Audubon Bird Finder is a carefully curated guide to an unusual or interesting bird that has been sighted that week in a publicly-accessible location. The bulletins will […]


Author Joel Greenberg on the Passenger Pigeon: “They’re gone because we destroyed them. We systematically, unrelentingly killed them.”

By Liz Acas for Connecticut Audubon Society NEW HAVEN, Conn. — The extinction of the once-abundant Passenger Pigeon shows that any species could be in danger today, author Joel Greenberg told a rapt audience at Yale University on March 12. Greenberg, author of the acclaimed book A Feathered River Across the Sky: The Passenger Pigeon’s Flight […]





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